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Book Coaching

Why Hire a Book Coach?

A Certified Storyglu® Coach will guide you to write a book that bonds with readers so they can't put it down.


We'll help you clarify key messages, organize a compelling flow and write a gripping narrative to keep your readers turning pages beginning to end.

Your coach will be with you every step of the way, providing one-on-one support to produce a book you can proudly share with the world!

How Much Does Book Coaching Cost?

The cost of book coaching depends on how often you meet with your coach and how many pages you submit for your coach to review.

Our Pay-As-You-Go® option gives you flexibility and control. The Six Month Program® provides all the writing support you need to finish your manuscript on time. Plans start at $749.

Contact us today to find out which type of book coaching best suits your budget, your goals  and your schedule.


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